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The Government Approved Amendments to the Customs Tariff to Promote the Development of Consumer Goods Industry in Ukraine

The Government approved the draft Law “On Amendments to Section XI of the Customs Tariff of Ukraine on Unification of Import Duty Rates on Consumer Goods” developed by the Ministry of Finance jointly with the State Customs Service and the industry-specific association Ukrlegprom.

The draft Law provides for the revision (unification) of import duty rates on consumer goods to accelerate the customs clearance of such goods and promote the development of the consumer goods industry.

Under the new version of groups 50 - 59 of the Customs Tariff of Ukraine, introduced by the Law of Ukraine dated June 4, 2020 No 674-IX, it is proposed the following:

- to set preferential import duty rates of 0% on raw materials not produced in Ukraine - yarn, fibers, threads;

- to set preferential import duty rates in the amount of 1% to 8% for finished products - fabrics, felt, woven nets, twine and ropes;

- to increase the full rates of import duty to 10% on consumer goods in those product subcategories, by which such rates are less than 10%.

According to the Ukrlegprom, the review (unification) of import duty rates will contribute to an increase of import volume of textile raw materials and materials for processing into the customs territory of Ukraine.

If the Parliament of Ukraine adopts the bill, such changes in the Customs Tariff will contribute to the simplification of domestic business foreign economic activity, and accelerating development of consumer goods industry in Ukraine in the nearest future, that will allow meeting the needs of domestic and foreign consumers with quality and will be actual in the global market goods.

The draft Law has passed all necessary approvals, including the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture and the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.