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World Bank

The World Bank is the second, after the IMF, creditor of Ukraine. Over the years of cooperation, the World Bank (WB) approved loans for Ukraine totaling more than 29,06 billion US dollars and 2,28 billion euros of which 27,37 billion US dollars and 2,24 billion euros have been received.

The resources of this organization are used to support the state budget, provide institutional and structural reforms, prepare and implement long-term investment projects that meet the priority areas of economic development of Ukraine.

As of March 01, 2025, the portfolio of existing WB projects financed by loans includes 21 projects (29 agreements), in particular, 15 investment projects (19 agreements) and 6 system projects (10 agreements), totaling 14,40 billion US dollars and 1,05 billion euros. The disbursed amount under these projects is 12,75 billion US dollars and 1,01 billion euros (88,55% - in US dollars and 95,97% - in euros out of the total amount of loans, respectively).

Also at the stage of implementation 16 projects (17 agreements) are funded by grant funds, totaling 17,77 billion US dollars and 0,05 billion euros. The disbursed amount under these projects is 2,22 billion US dollars and 0,02 billion euros (12,49 % - in US dollars and 50,02% - in euros out of the total amount of grants, respectively).

July 30, 2021 the Global Secretariat of the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Program published the Assessment of gender responsive public financial management (GRPFM) for 2020 of the government of Ukraine. The assessment was conducted within the framework of EU and World Bank Partnership Program - Public Finance Management Support Program for Ukraine.

Ukraine became the one of the nine countries that piloted a new assessment framework for gender responsive public financial management (GRPFM), developed by PEFA Secretariat. The purpose of the PEFA supplementary assessment on gender responsive budgeting (GRB) is to collect information on the extent to which gender is mainstreamed in Ukraine’s public financial management system and to define entry points for GBR around the budget process.

The Report can be downloaded from the PEFA official site (English and Ukrainian versions) -