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Expenditures of the General Fund of the State Budget Amounted to UAH 232.4 Billion in June 2022

Since the beginning of the large-scale war of Russia against Ukraine, the total amount of expenditures of the general fund of the state budget amounted to UAH 812.7 billion, including UAH 232.4 billion which was financed in June according to the data of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine as of July 1, 2022.

In the structure of these expenditures, the largest are the following:

  • labor remuneration with accruals - UAH 305 billion (including UAH 98.7 billion in June), or 37.5% of the total expenditures spent during wartime; UAH 225.8 billion (including UAH 75.7 billion in June) for salaries of the military personnel;
  • Social welfare (payment of pensions, allowances, stipends) - UAH 175.3 billion (UAH 50.6 billion in June), or 21.6%;
  • state debt service - UAH 62.1 billion (in June - UAH 11.6 billion), or 7.6%;
  • transfers to local budgets of UAH 57.6 billion (UAH 19.0 billion in June), or 7.1%.

The cynical military invasion of the Russian Federation to the territory of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, and further deployment of military operations made a serious blow to the Ukrainian economy, which undoubtedly affected the fulfillment of budget targets for the current year.

The government immediately took priority measures to reorient the country's budget to military purposes and to implement the necessary social expenditures aimed at supporting the population.