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Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Digital Transformation launch a survey of civil servants whose salaries were partially compensated by the US budget support

Today, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, with the support of the USAID/UK aid SOERA project and the USAID / UK aid TAPAS Activity, are launching a Diia app survey among civil servants. 

Civil servants whose salaries were partially compensated thanks to the U.S. direct budget support (DBS) in 2022-2023 will be able to answer questions about the current system of State Budget payments.

This will help collect the necessary information to analyze and improve the system of State Budget payments. In the long run, this will contribute to strengthening control over the flow of funds up to the final recipient and even greater transparency, including in the use of aid funds from American taxpayers.

The survey will be a practical addition to the existing multi-level system of DBS monitoring and auditing implemented by the Government of Ukraine, the World Bank and USAID. 

"Ensuring the transparent use of U.S. financial support, as well as any other foreign assistance, is a priority for the Government of Ukraine. This survey is one of the many ways we collect information about the State Budget payments through direct budget support and check whether they were made on time and in full. The answers of the respondents will be a significant contribution to the large-scale work we are doing to ensure that the financial support of our partners reaches the designated beneficiaries," said Minister of Finance of Ukraine Sergii Marchenko.

Over the past two years, nearly 150 thousand civil servants received salaries thanks to partial compensation under the World Bank's Public Expenditure Support for Enhanced Accountability and Sustainable Governance in Ukraine (PEACE in Ukraine) project, where 80% of the state donor funds came as DBS from the U.S. Government.

Since April 2022, Ukraine has received a total of USD 22.9 billion in grants from the United States. These funds have helped finance critical non-military expenditures, such as salaries for educators, healthcare workers, first responders, and civil servants.

"The surveys through Diia have become a convenient way of communication between citizens and the state. We have already conducted 18 app surveys, in which Ukrainians have voted in Diia more than 13.4 million times. The polls have made it possible to get quick and valuable feedback from Ukrainians. And now, for the first time, we are launching a survey for civil servants, which will allow us to analyze how effective the current system of payment of funds to civil servants is," explained Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov.

The survey will last for seven days - from January 17 to January 23 2024. Participation is voluntary. To participate, you need to update the Diia app.

Additional Information

USAID / UK aid project “State-Owned Enterprises Reform Activity” (SOERA), funded by USAID and UK aid and implemented by Deloitte Consulting, supports the Government of Ukraine in enhancing transparency and accountability for the Direct Budget Support provided by the U.S. Government. Together with the Ministry of Finance, SOERA monitors the use of Direct Budget Support provided by the U.S. Government, including supporting the implementation of the Diia app survey of civil servants regarding salaries financed through Direct Budget Support. 

The USAID / UK aid Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services (TAPAS) Activity is funded by the US Government through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the UK Government through UK aid. The activity supports the Government of Ukraine in implementing visible and successful reforms in public administration and services, aiming to significantly reduce and eradicate corruption. TAPAS promotes e-government reforms within three components: ensuring the use of electronic public procurement, supporting effective open data programs throughout Ukraine, and creating efficient online services to combat corruption. TAPAS is implemented by the Eurasia Foundation, a US-based international development organization specializing in promoting effective governance and civil society development. As part of its efforts, TAPAS provides support for the implementation of the survey in the Diia app among civil servants on salary payments financed by US Direct Budget Support.