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Ukraine has received over EUR 30 billion in budget support from the EU since February 2022: Sergii Marchenko at the EU-Ukraine Association Council

Today, on February 20, the Ukrainian delegation headed by Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal participated in the 9th plenary meeting of the EU-Ukraine Association Council in Brussels.

The event was attended by members of the Council of the European Union and representatives of the European Commission and EU institutions. 

In the speech, the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Sergii Marchenko thanked the partners for the key role of the European Union in attracting financial resources for Ukraine, in particular for the timely decision-making on the EUR 50 billion Ukraine Facility for 2024-2027 and the rhythmic budget support since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. 

"Since February 2022, the EU has provided Ukraine with more than EUR 30 billion for the priority needs of the State Budget. The assistance was provided on a predictable basis, which allowed the Government to perform its obligations to its citizens in full and to direct its own budget resources to support the armed forces," the Minister of Finance of Ukraine said. 

Regarding the Ukraine Facility, Sergii Marchenko emphasized that the medium-term period of the instrument ensures proper planning of the State Budget and reform agenda in the context of further economic recovery and EU accession. The Government is determined to implement the measures envisaged in the Ukraine Plan.

On March 18, the Government of Ukraine approved and submitted to the European Commission the Ukraine Plan for 2024-2027, which includes 15 sectoral chapters that should be key for further economic development.

"Today, we have already received the first tranche of EUR 4.5 billion in bridge financing under the Ukraine Facility, and we expect to receive the second tranche of EUR 1.5 billion in April this year. While recovery and reforms are crucial for Ukraine's future, only by financing all priority State Budget expenditures will Ukraine be able to keep its economy safe throughout the war, to recover and become self-sufficient and successful. Therefore, external financing continues to play an important role," the Minister of Finance added. 

At the same time, Sergii Marchenko noted that the Government of Ukraine is working to improve the efficiency of reforms. In particular, during the last meeting of the Muli-agency Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine, the Minister of Finance of Ukraine presented the Reforms Matrix as a co-chair of the Platform. The document systematizes all the measures and policies that have been developed in cooperation with international partners. Despite the war, Ukraine is committed to implementing reforms and performing its obligations under the cooperation programs with its partners. 

The Minister of Finance also emphasized the importance of the further functioning of the Donor Platform for Ukraine, where the European Commission is one of the three co-chairs. The Platform brings together Ukraine's partners for effective coordination of efforts, exchange of experience and joint work on the economic recovery of Ukraine.

EU representatives emphasized their unwavering support for Ukraine and their intention to continue providing comprehensive assistance to our country.