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The Parliament adopted single legal entity status for the State Customs Service of Ukraine


In the second reading, 275 MPs supported the Draft Law No. 2318-1, which marks the start to the State Customs Service's operation as a single legal entity.

The Draft Law "On amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine and other laws of Ukraine with regard to administrative reform" introduces a new format of activity of the State Customs Service as a single legal entity. Thus, its territorial bodies will no longer function as separate legal entities. Instead, they are going to operate as separate units of this Service with the requisite scope of authority that will improve the management of these bodies and allow optimizing human resources management and increasing the efficiency of internal work processes.

Draft Law No. 2318-1 is related to Draft Law No. 2419, which was adopted on December 18, in the first reading.

These draft laws enhance institutional capacity of the State Customs Service and the State Tax Service, help to avoid duplication of legislation in the field of state customs and state tax policy, as well as help achieve the goals of reducing time and money spent by virtuous businesses, further implementation of electronic services, introduction of an effective organizational structure of these Services built on a functional principle.