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Budget Process 2021: Monitoring of Submission of Budget Program Passports for 2021 to the Ministry of Finance was Conducted

Under the implementation of the Law "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2021", the Ministry of Finance monitors the preparation of budget program passports for the year 2021.

The key spending units develop draft passports of budget programs and submit them for approval to the Ministry of Finance within 30 days after the entry into force of the Law "On the State Budget of Ukraine".

As of January 29, 2021, the Ministry of Finance received for approval 222 out of 511 budget programs that require the approval of passports this year, including 157 passports from ministries and 65 from other key spending units of state budget funds (information is constantly being updated).

The key spending units must approve the passports of budget programs by February 14, 2021.

Compliance with the deadline for approving passports of budget programs will enable the key spending units to ensure the timely execution of tasks identified by strategic and program documents and the implementation of their budget programs in 2021.

The Ministry of Finance is constantly carrying out explanatory work among the key spending units of the state budget on the preparation of passports of budget programs for 2021, including the need to comply with the requirements of the Budget Code of Ukraine for their timely approval.