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New Samples of Excise Stamps for Tobacco Have Already Been Ordered in Full

Since January 1, 2021, new samples of excise tax stamps will be introduced for labeling tobacco products and liquids used in domestic and imported electronic cigarettes.

According to the Ministry of Finance data, provided by the State Tax Service, more than 216 million new samples of excise stamps ordered by tobacco manufacturers have been produced, obtained government acceptance and shipped to the territorial authorities of STS of Ukraine.

Thus, businesses have the opportunity to obtain samples of excise stamps in advance and prepare for the sale of tobacco products under the new rules.

It should be noted, that the relevant amendments were approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 29, 2020 No 1037.

According to the new standards, cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, which will be produced since January 1, 2021, and labeled by excise stamps that do not indicate the number of pieces in a package or pack, will be considered unlabeled.

Such innovations will strengthen the fight against illegal trafficking of excisable goods and become one of the tools in the fight against counterfeit and smuggled products.