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Development Bank of the Council of Europe

The Council of Europe Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as the СЕВ) is a multilateral financial institution with an exclusively social focus.

The СЕВ was established in 1956 with the aim of solving issues related to the socially oriented reintegration of refugees, displaced persons and migrants by European countries.

8 countries - Belgium, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Germany, Turkey and France - initiated the creation of the СЕВ.

Within the framework of the mandate to strengthen social unity and cohesion in Europe, the СЕВ contributes to the establishment of the values and principles of the Council of Europe through its financial activities.

At the same time, the Bank has a separate legal status and is financially independent from the Regional Council. Within the framework of the Bank's institutional obligations with the Council of Europe, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe expresses an opinion on the acceptability, from the point of view of the political and social goals of the Council, of all projects submitted for consideration by the Council of Europe.

The Bank's current activitiesin Ukraine are divided into the following sectors: improvement of living health care, support of small and medium-sized businesses .

The adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Ukraine's Membership in the Development Bank of the Council of Europe and Accession to the Third Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe" completed the procedure for joining the BSEU. Thus, Ukraine officially became the 43rd member of the Bank.

As of March 1,2025, the project portfolio of СЕВ in the public sector includes 2 projects with a total volume of 200 million euros.

As part of the implementation of these projects, as of March 1,2025 115,8 million euros have been Disbursement, including in 2024 - 115,8 million euros.