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The European Commission Decided to Allocate the Second Tranche of EUR 600 million to Ukraine

The European Commission decided to allocate to Ukraine the second tranche within the exceptional EU Macro-Financial Assistance Program with a nominal volume of EUR 600 million.

The EU funds will be used to support economic stabilization in Ukraine by meeting Ukraine's external financing needs through a long-term loan.

To receive the tranche, Ukraine has implemented structural reforms with the EU, in particular in the following areas
- public finance management;
- good governance and the rule of law;
- improvement of business climate;
- sectoral reforms and State-Owned enterprises.

One of the main conditions of issuing such a tranche is the continuation of cooperation with the IMF within the framework of the Reforms Support Program. The management of the Fund decided to send an IMF mission in September this year to conduct the review of the Program.