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Fiscal Reporting Checks through the Cash Registers Amount to 1 million per Day on Average

During the four months of operation of cash registers, the number of fiscal reporting checks per day increased to 1 million and this figure is increasing every day.

As of November 20, almost 3 thousand entrepreneurs took advantage of the free software application and checked 53.3 thousand cash registers. About 70 million checks were registered with their use.

Of the total number of business entities that have registered cash registers:

82% are self-employed individuals;

18% are legal entities, of which 7% are financial companies.

About 90% of cash registers are used by financial companies, about 2.6% of cash registers are used by business entities in the field of trade, 7.4% - in the field of tourist services, maintenance and repair of vehicles, hairdressing, medical and dental services, restaurant business.

Such statistics, which we have for almost four months of using cash registers, testify to the readiness of businesses to work in the legal field, to show their real income, using cash registers as a simple and affordable tool, created and provided by the state.

From January 1, 2021, the use of cash registers will be mandatory only for certain categories of entrepreneurs of groups II-IV. These are risky activities, namely: trade of jewelry, textiles, second-hand goods in stores, auto parts, services of hotels, restaurants and travel agencies.

For all other single taxpayers of groups II-IV, such an obligation will arise only from April 1, 2021. At the same time, the taxpayers of the single tax of the I-st group will not be obliged to use the cash registers at all.

Thus, the introduction of such innovations is not only an important prerequisite for de-shadowing the economy, ensuring proper accounting of actual income, paying taxes, but also a way to establish equal competitive conditions for honest taxpayers.