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Ministry of Finance: Local Budgets Received More than UAH 130 billion of Subventions in 2020

According to the results of the 2020 budget year, more than UAH 130 billion of subventions were received from the state budget to the accounts of local budgets.

The education sphere was the most financed: for its development the local budgets received UAH 81,224 million. It should be noted, that the educational subvention is directed for the salaries of the teaching staff in the following types of educational institutions:

  • primary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums (except preschool units);
  • special schools, sanatorium schools;
  • specialized art schools (boarding schools), boarding schools (boarding lyceums) of sports profile, military (naval) lyceums, lyceums with enhanced military-physical training, scientific lyceums, scientific boarding lyceums, gymnasiums and lyceums, which include boarding schools with partial or full maintenance of students;
  • orphanages, educational and rehabilitation centers, inclusive-resource centers;
  • state-owned and community-owned institutions of professional (vocational) education in the part of providing expenditures for receiving full general secondary education;
  • institutions of special pre-university education and colleges of state and communal property in the part of providing expenditures for receiving full general secondary education.

UAH 22,173 million was used for road construction and repair. These funds were allocated to finance the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of public roads of local importance, streets and roads of communal property in settlements.

The medical subvention for the regions as a whole, including the city of Kyiv, amounted to UAH 14,582 million. These funds were used for payments of the current expenditures of healthcare facilities and healthcare programs. In particular:

  • primary health care, outpatient and inpatient care;
  • consultative outpatient and inpatient care;
  • specialized outpatient and inpatient care;
  • health education programs;
  • sanatorium and health resort treatment;
  • other state programs of medical and sanitary assistance.

The basic subsidy, which is transferred from the state budget to local budgets and serves as the main tool for increasing the fiscal capacity of local budgets, last year amounted to UAH 13,282 million. At the same time, the most subsidized was the Zakarpattia region with indicator of UAH 1,187 million.

The regions received UAH 2 billion from the state budget for the election of deputies to local councils.