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UAH 19.5 billion was spent on Fighting COVID-19 in 5 Months of 2021

According to the preliminary data for the 5 months of 2021, there was spent UAH 19.5 billion for the fight against COVID-19, in particular for the following purposes:

  • payment to health care institutions for services provided for inpatient medical care and vaccination of the population under the program of medical guarantees - UAH 8.3 billion;
  • to purchase COVID-19 vaccines - UAH 6.7 billion;
  • to purchase the goods and services to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (except for vaccines) - UAH 1.4 billion, including UAH 1 billion from local budgets;
  • subventions to provide hospitals with oxygen - UAH 0.4 billion;
  • measures for social support of the population in quarantine conditions - UAH 1.6 billion;
  • payment of financial security in connection with a temporary disability - UAH 0.4 billion; 
  • payment of unemployment benefits - UAH 0.7 billion.

More than UAH 33 billion was provided for the fight against COVID-19 in 2021, of which:

  • UAH 15.4 billion as part of the program of medical guarantees was provided, including UAH 9.7 billion for inpatient medical care, UAH 1.5 billion to pay for the services of medical institutions for vaccination;
  • UAH 10.5 billion of state budget funds for the purchase of 38 million doses of vaccines in 2021. In addition, about 8 million doses of vaccines is expected to be received under the COVAX Mechanism. As of the end of May 2021, a contract for the supply of 32 million doses of vaccines at the expense of the state budget was concluded: 2 million doses of vaccines produced by AstraZeneca; 10 million doses of vaccines produced by Novavax; and 20 million doses of vaccines produced by Pfizer. In addition, at the end of 2020, an agreement was made for the purchase of 1.9 million doses of vaccines produced by Sinovac Biotech (China). By the end of 2021, it is planned to vaccinate 70% (24 million people) of the adult population of Ukraine following the National vaccine prophylaxis plan COVID-19 (Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 12.04.2021 No 340-p);
  • UAH 3.8 billion (UAH 2.0 billion of the special fund, UAH 1.8 billion of the general fund) was allocated to the Ministry of Social Policy for payment of one-time financial assistance and material aid in connection with a temporary disability;
  • UAH 1.1 billion (UAH 0.7 billion special funds, UAH 0.4 billion general funds) was allocated to the Ministry of Economy for payment of unemployment benefits;
  • UAH 0.8 billion to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for payment of additional payments to the salaries of the National Guard and State Border Guard, the bodies and units of civil protection, police, medical and other employees of departmental health care institutions;
  • UAH 55 million was received by the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine to provide the institutions designated for hospitalization of patients with SOVID-19;
  • UAH 0.75 billion of subventions was allocated to provide hospitals with oxygen in 2021;
  • UAH 0.3 billion was allocated for additional payments to medical workers' salaries;
  • UAH 1 billion was spent to implement measures to combat COVID-19 in educational institutions.

The Ministry of Finance urges all administrators of funds to use COVID-19 funds most efficiently to ensure that all patients can receive timely and quality medical care during the pandemic.