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Ministry of Finance of Ukraine has launched second module of «E-Data» project titled «Working office»

Today, on October 26, the second module of the portal «E-Data» ( has been launched under the title «Working office».
The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine is carrying on implementing the revolutionary IT-platform «E-Data» which makes public spending transparent and delivers up to the interest and right of the public to obtain exact and timely information on public financial transactions. This web-portal also contributes to crackdown on corruption, since every citizen can easily and free of charge launch online tracing for the payments of all state bodies and state-owned enterprises as well as find information on the receivers of public funds, payment purpose and amount.

The first module launched in September made it possible to trace all payments processed via the State Treasury Service online, these are approx. 1m transactions every day.

The launch of the second module «Working office» means that now entities managing public funds and their receivers have access to their virtual offices enabling them to disclose information on the use of public funds. According to the Law of Ukraine «On the open use of public funds», this information should be disclosed not later than November 4 of the current year. This step will make it possible to analyze the figures of regional and municipal budgets in regard to the execution of budget programs.

The next module due to be launched as a part of «E-Data» is aimed to disclose information by state-owned enterprises and enterprises partially owned by the state.
All instructions and explanations regarding electronic keys, logins and filling in report forms shall be posted at and at the project’s Facebook page.
Additional questions can be sent via the feedback form on the project’s homepage, to the e-mail address or to the project’s Facebook page.