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Results of July on the E-Data portal: some of the cities are getting to 100% performance in registering entities managing public funds

Based on the results of July, entities authorized to manage and to receive state budget funds registered 45% of the total number of virtual offices at the E-Data portal.

In different regions this number ranges from 4% to 96%.

There are already cities which are leaders in registration at E-Data. For example, 96% of managing entities in the town of Netischyn (Khmelnytsky region) have already created their virtual offices at E-Data. Ternivka in Dnipropetrowsk region (93%), Lubny in Poltava region (92%), Chortkiv in Ternopil region (91%) and some other towns are also clearly above the benchmark of 85%.

However, there are still entire districts where the number of registered managing entities is even below 10%. For instance, in Gorodenkivsky district (Ivano-Frankivsk region) only 12 of 130 entities authorized to manage and to receive public funds insert their data in E-Data, which is equal to only 9%. Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky district in Kyiv region (6%) and Mohyliv-Podilsky district in Vinnytsya region (4%) are also heavy underperformers.

Why is it important?

Publication of information at the E-Data portal is a must according to the Law of Ukraine “On the open use of public funds”.
Every citizen can enter the portal and trace public spending by state authorities, public and municipal companies in the real-time mode. They can also trace what goods or services are purchased for their tax money and how much they cost.
This transparency in public spending eliminates corruption risks and contributes to a better business climate in Ukraine.

What are the benefits?

• Public spending gets open and transparent;
• The public has a tool to receive credible information on public spending on time;
• The portal is a tool to tackle corruption.

Additional information about E-Data:

• The united web portal on public spending E-Data is an official public information resource on the Internet which publishes information according to the Law of Ukraine “On the open use of public funds”;
• Access to the information at E-Data is unrestricted and free of charge;
• E-Data consists of two key modules:
1. “SPENDING” module covering transactions of the State Treasury as well as reports and contracts of entities managing public funds, state funds, state and municipal companies;
2. Work is in progress to launch the second module – “Transparent budget”, which is aimed to eradicate corruption in the budget process and to enable timely access to information on the execution of the state and municipal budgets as well as to evaluate risks for the public budgets etc.