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May results of the E-Data web portal: 40% of the entities entitled to manage public funds are already present on the website

As per June 1, 2016, 31.6 thousand virtual offices of entities entitled to manage and to receive public funds are registered at the official public finance web portal of Ukraine – this is equal to 40% of the total number of such entities. Ternopil, Lviv, Odessa and Mykolayiv regions are the best performers with 56%, 52% and 51% of the local entitled entities registered online respectively. Lugansk, Donetsk and Transcarpathian regions have the registration rate below 30% (22%, 26% and 29% respectively).

The towns with the highest registration rate among entities entitled to manage and to receive public funds are Netishyn in Khmelnytsky region (82%), Chortkiv in Ternopil region (81%), Ternivka in Dnipropetrovsk region (79%) and Yuzhne in Odessa region (78%).

The share of virtual offices with proper content update increased to 88%.

28.8 million requests were sent to the portal regarding transactions published at E-Data.

2.7 thousand new virtual offices were registered in May which is 42% higher compared to April.

Volyn, as the pilot project of the Eastern Europe Foundation and the E-Data team, delivered the strongest increase in the registration of virtual offices which is +12%. At the same time, the average increase of virtual offices in the regions of Ukraine was +3%. This performance is the result of the efforts of Lutsk Region State Administration, leading officials of Volyn district administrations and accountants of village councils. Trainings hosted by the E-Data team proved to be effective, the E-Data experts can refer to concrete results of their work.

1.4 million new contracts, contract supplements as well as certificates of acceptance and reports were registered at the E-Data portal in May. This is 40% more compared to April.

The registration of state-owned companies is still problematic though – only 12% of the state-owned companies have registered their online offices so far and started inserting data online, though five regions in Ukraine already have 20% to 27% of state-owned companies registered at the E-Data portal.

Another issue which still remains to be solved is the supply of public entities with registration systems and proper Internet connection.

The E-Data team is going to improve the capacities of the search engine at its portal soon as well as to launch a system for the check of registration data and API for contracts and certificates of acceptance.

Thus, it can be said that the portal of the Ministry of Finance operates sustainably and has sufficient capacities to maintain the increasing data base.