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UAH 66.5 billion has been Allocated from the Anti-COVID-19 Fund in the Year 2020

As of December 31, 2020, UAH 63.7 billion (89%) out of UAH 72 billion of the general fund of the state budget has already been spent from the Anti-COVID-19 Fund.

UAH 2.8 billion (44%) out of UAH 6.4 billion of the special fund of the state budget allocated by the decisions of the Government, was used for measures to combat COVID-19.

UAH 19.4 billion (87%) out of UAH 22.4 billion under the general fund of the state budget was used for healthcare. In particular:

  • UAH 84 million has been spent on the purchase of ventilators (UAH 100 million was allocated);
  • UAH 3.3 billion (83%) out of UAH 4 billion was used on the provision of the Health Ministry's laboratories and the purchase of personal protective equipment for medical workers;
  • UAH 2.3 billion (100%) was spent for the purchase of equipment for the emergency departments of hub hospitals;
  • UAH 1.4 billion (82%) out of UAH 1.7 billion has been spent for the construction, reconstruction, repair of emergency departments of hub hospitals;
  • UAH 1.4 billion (97%) out of UAH 1.5 billion was used for providing hospitals with oxygen;
  • UAH 3.9 billion (74%) from UAH 5.3 billion has been spent for the purchase of medical services under the Medical Guarantees Program;
  • UAH 1 billion (97%) was used for providing hub hospitals with digital diagnostic X-ray systems;
  • UAH 5.5 billion (92%) out of UAH 6 billion has been spent on increasing allowances and surcharges for medical workers.

UAH 12.8 billion (73.5%) out of UAH 17.4 billion of the general fund of the state budget was used for social protection.

UAH 4.5 (100%) billion was used for law enforcement (the general fund of the state budget).

UAH 26.4 billion out of UAH 27 billion or 98% was used for measures to stimulate the economy under the general fund of the state budget. In particular, UAH 25.7 billion out of the envisaged UAH 26.2 billion, or 98%, has been allocated for the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of public roads of state importance.

UAH 2.8 billion out of UAH 5 billion or 55.5% under the special fund of the state budget has been allocated for providing one-time compensation to insured persons who may lose their income in the event of a complete ban on their activities due to the strengthening of restrictive anti-pandemic measures. Almost UAH 1.4 billion is provided for the purchase of COVID-19 vaccines.

The use of funds of the special fund of the state budget will continue in 2021. The Ministry of Finance will constantly inform about the use of these funds.