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EU leaders supported the launch of the EUR 50 billion Ukraine Facility

The leaders of the European Union member states have just politically supported the launch of the EUR 50 billion Ukraine Facility for 2024-2027, most of which will be directed to cover Ukraine's budgetary needs.

What does this mean for Ukraine? 

  • Financial and economic stability

Funds under the Instrument will be used to support the State Budget and implement recovery projects. 

It is crucial that the 4-year program will enable the Government of Ukraine to plan and manage public finances more accurately in the medium term. The program provides for systematic and predictable financing based on the performance of the conditions agreed upon by the parties.

  • Attracting public and private investment for Ukraine's recovery 

The program will complement existing instruments of support for Ukraine, such as budget guarantees, financial instruments and other financing for private sector development. 

  • Reforms to strengthen the competitiveness of Ukraine's economy on the path to European integration

The Ukraine Facility envisages 15 key reform areas, the implementation of which will contribute to the modernization of our country on its way to the EU. The program will also support the transition to a green, digital, and inclusive economy that will be gradually aligned with EU rules and standards.

The instrument is subject to approval by the EU Parliament and Council.

"The decision on the Ukraine Facility is not only about financial assistance, but also about trust in our country as a partner and the European future of our country. For the second year in a row, the joint efforts of the Government of Ukraine and international partners have allowed us to maintain financial stability in the face of the challenges of a full-scale war. Today's decision will allow us to maintain the achieved stability in the financial and economic areas and will stimulate the acceleration of Ukraine's recovery," said Minister of Finance of Ukraine Sergii Marchenko. 

The EU budget support since the beginning of the full-scale war has reached EUR 26 billion.