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​Podatky Prosto: The Ministry of Finance presents for public discussion a draft law aimed to improve the processing of claims related to the single social tax

As part of the project “Podatky Prosto”, the Ministry of Finance present for public discussion a draft law meant to improve and to unify the procedures for processing administrative claims against the decisions of the controlling bodies regarding the calculation of the single tax for mandatory state social insurance (ESV).

What’s it about?

Presently, discrepancies are in place between the Law of Ukraine “On the Collection and Registration of the Single Tax for Mandatory State Social Insurance” and the Tax Code of Ukraine in regard to the terms and approaches in processing claims submitted by tax payers against the decision of the authorities on the calculation of the ESV.

The Ministry of Finance has prepared a draft law which:

- improves and unifies the procedure for filing administrative claims against the decisions of the authorities on the calculation of the ESV; 
- makes the processing of the above claims faster (down from 30 to 20 days);
- makes it possible to prolong the processing of claims to examine them more in detail taking into account all aspects.

What’s the benefit?

This draft law ensures a single approach in processing administrative claims and improves the effectiveness of the control and review of decisions made by State Fiscal Service on the calculation of the ESV.

“Podatky Prosto” is an initiative implemented by the Ministry of Finance to consolidate efforts in the preparation of solutions improving tax administration.