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General Fund of State Budget Received UAH 162.8 billion of Revenues in April 2023

According to the preliminary data of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, in April 2023, the general fund of the State Budget received UAH 162.8 billion in revenues.

The main sources of the State Budget revenues were the following:

  • value-added tax on goods imported into the customs territory of Ukraine – UAH 25.1 billion;
  • value-added tax on goods produced in Ukraine – UAH 16.6 billion (UAH 28.0 billion collected and UAH 11.4 billion reimbursed);
  • personal income tax and military fee – UAH 13.4 billion;
  • excise tax on goods imported into the customs territory of Ukraine - UAH 9.9 billion;
  • fee for the use of mineral resources – UAH 4.9 billion;
  • corporate profit tax – UAH 2.3 billion;
  • import and export duty – UAH 2.2 billion.

In April 2023, the State Budget's general fund received UAH 45.8 billion of international assistance.

The State Tax Service performed its monthly revenue plan by 107.3% (+ UAH 3.2 billion).

Another important source of State Budget revenues in April was international assistance (grants) amounted to UAH 45.7 billion at the end of the month. The funds received from the United States of America.

The general fund of the State Budget received UAH 35.9 billion from the National Bank of Ukraine, which, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the National Bank of Ukraine," should direct part of its revenue to the State Budget annually after its annual financial statements are confirmed by an external audit and approved by the NBU Council.

January-April 2023:

According to the preliminary data of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, in January-April 2023, the general fund of the State Budget received UAH 551.6 billion in revenues.

The main sources of the State Budget revenues were the following:

  • value-added tax on goods imported into the customs territory of Ukraine – UAH 105.9 billion;
  • value-added tax on goods produced in Ukraine – UAH 53.5 billion (UAH 105.2 billion collected and UAH 51.7 billion reimbursed);
  • personal income tax and military fee – UAH 51 billion;
  • corporate profit tax – UAH 37 billion;
  • excise tax on goods imported into the customs territory of Ukraine - UAH 31.9 billion;
  • fee for the use of mineral resources – UAH 20.9 billion;
  • import and export duty – UAH 9.3 billion.

At the same time, the State Tax Service performed its revenue plan by 100.7% (+ UAH 1.4 billion), and the State Customs Service - by 100.2%, or + UAH 0.6 billion.

In January-April, Ukraine has received international assistance (grants) in the amount of UAH 179.5 billion.

Receipts of a single fee on obligatory national social insurance in the pension fund and social insurance funds in January-April 2023 amounted to UAH 143.2 billion, UAH 37.9 billion was received in April.

In the first four months of this year, the general and special funds of the State Budget received UAH 787.6 billion in taxes, fees and other payments.

According to the preliminary data of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine in January-April 2023, the expenditures of the State Budget amounted to UAH 1,043.2 billion, including the expenditures of the general fund of the State Budget that were carried out according to the plan and amounted to UAH 865.2 billion, or 93.8% of the plan for the reporting period.

In January-April 2023, the State Budget deficit amounted to UAH 252.9 billion, including the general fund in the amount of UAH 310.3 billion, compared with the planned deficit of the general fund of UAH 560.1 billion for this period.

Actual state borrowings to the State Budget's general fund in January-April 2023 amounted to UAH 596.9 billion.

UAH 171.7 billion, including UAH 41 billion in foreign currency (USD 1,027.7 million and EUR 86.9 million) was attracted for the financing of the State Budget from the placement of domestic government bonds. UAH 61.3 billion was raised due to the issuance of wartime bonds.

Since the beginning of the year, UAH 425.2 billion was attracted from external sources, including:

  • UAH 237.7 billion (EUR 6 billion) of Macro-Financial Assistance in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between Ukraine and the EU dated January 16, 2023;
  • UAH 99 billion (SDR 2 billion) - IMF funds under the four-year Extended Fund Facility program;
  • UAH 64.2 billion (CAD 2.4 billion) loan from the Government of Canada;
  • UAH 18.3 billion (USD 499.3 million) loan from the IBRD within the framework of the PEACE project;
  • UAH 6.0 billion (EUR 152.0 million) loan from the IBRD within the framework of the PEACE project.

Public debt repayments in January-April 2023 totaled UAH 142.7 billion, and debt service payments amounted to UAH 38.1 billion.