Reforms Matrix interactive website has been launched
On June 4, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution to monitor the implementation of the Reforms Matrix*.
The Reforms Matrix systematises the conditionalities and recommendations of Ukraine's international partners in key sectors presented in official documents. It is an analytical tool for effectively implementing and monitoring all planned measures.
The Reforms Matrix includes over 200 conditionalities and recommendations (over 400 indicators) set in agreements with the EU, the Ukraine Plan under the Ukraine Facility, a Memorandum for Economic and Financial Policy with the International Monetary Fund, and agreements with the World Bank. This instrument contains the conditionalities and recommendations of the partners as stated in official documents.
The Reforms Matrix also features an expert assessment of the impact of reforms on economic growth and recovery conducted by the KSE and CES based on the Harvard University methodology and with the assistance of the World Bank.
The Government's resolution adopted today designates the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine as responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Reforms Matrix, as well as for its obligations under financial support programs and to international partners. Other ministries and government authorities responsible for implementing the required measures will have to provide regular updates on the results of the measures.
Ensuring transparency and accountability in implementing the measures agreed with the partners is a priority for the Ministry of Finance and the Government. To this end, an interactive website of the Reforms Matrix has been launched and presented. On the website, everyone has an opportunity to check the content, timelines and schedules to meet the conditions. The application of filters to a specific performer, indicator, and its level of economic impact allows for a comprehensive analysis of Ukraine's implementation of the measures jointly defined with partners.
The Reforms Matrix has clear priorities by economic impact, assessed in the following sequence:
1. Macroeconomic policies. Reforms in this area have the most significant overall impact on the country. They include tax and customs reforms to enhance domestic revenues, estimate quasi-fiscal deficits, and maintain overall price stability.
2. Public sector and institutional management. This includes strengthening regional policy coordination, developing measurable action plans to reform law enforcement and anti-corruption, and improving public investment management capacity, including the judiciary.
3. Structural reforms. These include labour market programs and policies related to human capital, trade facilitation measures, and the business environment, including reforms of state-owned enterprises and corporate governance, as well as regulations that integrate and reform the following sectors: energy, critical materials, agriculture, and transportation.
"Despite the extreme uncertainty, the Government of Ukraine consistently and efficiently implements an ambitious reform plan that brings us closer to joining the European Union. The government and authorities have over 200 reforms and over 400 indicators to meet by 2024. All of them are our commitments under the EU programs, the Ukraine Plan under the Ukraine Facility, the IMF EFF Arrangement, and agreements with the World Bank. The consistency of the measures’ performance is also essential, which is why the Reforms Matrix prioritises reforms according to their impact on economic development. Such a significant workload requires systematisation, compliance and monitoring. Therefore, we have launched an analytical platform - an interactive website of the Reforms Matrix, where everyone can check the reforms implementation process," said Minister of Finance of Ukraine Sergii Marchenko during the Government meeting.
During the website presentation, First Deputy Minister of Finance Denys Uliutin expressed his gratitude to the partners implementing the project together with the Ministry of Finance. These are the Ministry of Economy, the Reform Delivery Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the World Bank, the Kyiv School of Economics, and the Center for Economic Strategy.
"Economic recovery and growth, ensuring high defence needs and bringing legislation in line with EU standards are the basis of all reforms implemented by the Government of Ukraine. The Reforms Matrix and the launched website allow us to analyse and visualise such measures using a dashboard (Power BI tool). For example, in terms of time - which reforms need to be implemented in a particular quarter, by executors, by types of documents - law, Cabinet of Ministers' decisions, orders, etc. There are templates either each user can create their parameters for grouping and displaying information," added Denys Uliutin.
* The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution "Some issues of monitoring the implementation of the Reforms Matrix".